How To Start Homeschooling From The Very Beginning {A 20 Lesson Series}

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The school year during the first covid outbreak ended with kids e-learning. Many families decided to homeschool their kids instead of rejoining the public or private school once the outbreak died down. This caused a huge influx in homeschoolers worldwide! So, if you've ever considered homeschooling your kids, or you're brand new to homeschooling, then this 20-lesson “how to” series is just what you need!

It may seem like homeschooling and everything it entails comes from another planet. I get it. I was once devouring all the homeschool books and articles to find some sort of easy-to-understand language to walk me through how to start homeschooling.

I desperately needed to know how to set up a homeschool schedule, how to choose curriculum, understand I could choose different curriculum, how to create homeschool routines or maybe ever my own curriculum, how to know what my children needs to learn (because NOT a teacher was I), and so much more.

In fact, I thought homeschool meant using this one big-named curriculum-in-a-box company to homeschool my kids! Yep. Little did I know that I actually had options and flexibility and freedom of choice.




Do you know your child's

Let's go find out!

If you know that you have a limitless buffet of curriculum options to choose from, you're already way ahead than where I was at when I first began homeschooling!

Enter the giveaway to be an automatic winner of 4 amazing homeschool curriculums! Plus, the top 20 entrants with the highest number of entries will win another curriculum from the MEGA giveaway collection! Hosted by Homeschool and Humor. Deadline for giveaways is SEPTEMBER 30, 2020.

Disclaimer: There are affiliate links throughout this post for your convenience. See our disclosure policy here.

I had no clue how to schedule my homeschool with all the subjects. The curriculum I thought I had to use had so much work to do in a single day, taking me 8 hours to go through each subject with two kids to homeschool.

I also mirrored our homeschool as the public school setting I remembered from my own public school days. I definitly did not understand how to homeschool multiple kids. Would that mean a 16-hour day for me? I was completely lost.

Through all my book reading and researching, I couldn't really find anything that just laid it all out there for me in an easy-to-follow way. l would discover part of an answer but the answer was usually chopped up in bits of information like a scavenger hunt. But I knew homeschooling was in the best interest of my children, just like you know homeschooling is the direction you want to go this year. So I persevered. Just like you're doing now.

I took all my mistakes, my experiences, my research, and my victories and put them all in this homeschooling series in a step by step format I wish that I had. And, yes, it is easy to understand and it has complete answers! I walk you through what to do from beginning on.

You may want to skip parts you're already familiar with, though I encourage you to read them anyway because we usually glean information in different perspectives and birth new creative ideas when revisiting information. Know what I mean?

Your guidance is here in the form of a 20-lesson post series called How To Start Homeschooling – From the Very Beginning {A Step By Step Guide for New Homeschoolers}. 

Think about the reason why you decided to homeschool.

Maybe you're afraid to send your child to school. Maybe the school modifications overwhelm you. Maybe you've just wanted to try homeschooling and now's your chance? The prospect of homeschooling can fill you with both excitement and trepidation.

But whatever the reason, deciding to take charge of your child's education is an overwhelming, possibly expensive, decision. Yet, a mighty brave one. You can imagine the financial setback all families experienced this year. With homeschool expenses added, things get super tight super quick.

Overview of the How To Start Homeschooling Lesson Series

It took a few years to gain the answers I was looking for by experiencing all the mistakes and victories. But I don't want you to spend years in trial and error to learn how to start homeschooling.

There are so many new homeschool sisters here and I want to put all of the answers down in one place that makes it clear as can be on how to start homeschooling. I have outlined at least 20 blog posts to include absolutely everything you're going to need to quickly begin your homeschooling journey and your brand new lifestyle. Because that's what homeschooling surely becomes, a new way of life.

The series will have multiple lesson posts each week until its completion, which I'm aiming for September 30th 2020 as the deadline. This deadline will also coincide with the GIVEAWAY deadline!

Even though there are going to be quite a few articles within the series special, you can jump to the lesson post that best fits the needs of your current situation. So just like homeschooling iteself, make this How To Homeschool series work for you! I'll make sure you're aware of where you're at in the series special so you can click around to where you need to go to next.

Even so, if you just have no stinkin' clue where to even begin, I do recommend you start from the very beginning at Lesson 1: Homeschool Laws.

I also provide several free homeschool resources in each lesson post for you to grab. Each post will have at least one amazing resource for you to download in order for you to make the most of your homeschool learning experience.

I want to make sure you are set up for ultimate homeschool success with this How To Start Homeschooling lesson series. So grab the Lesson Checklist provided right below this to work your way through the series, knowing which lesson you need to do next and which ones you have completed. Print it out and hang it on your refrigerator or put it in your planner.

Enter the giveaway to be an automatic winner of 4 amazing homeschool curriculums! Plus, the top 20 entrants with the highest number of entries will win another curriculum from the MEGA giveaway collection! Hosted by Homeschool and Humor. Deadline for giveaways is SEPTEMBER 30, 2020.

How To Homeschool Series Outline – What To Expect

Here is an outline of what you can expect in this How To Start Homeschooling lesson series. Be sure to sign up below to get emails regarding this lesson series, tips on implementing, ideas on the lesson posts, and stay up to day for when a new post comes out.

As we move through the lesson series, I will be returning here to add the post link to the lesson title.

So be sure to BOOKMARK this page!

How To Start Homeschooling From The Very Beginning {A Step-By-Step Series Special}

I am so excited to provide you this ultimate beginner's guide to homeschooling! I look forward to helping each and every one of you with your homeschool aspirations.

Just think – this time next year you will be looking back at a past you, overflowing with so much pride at how far you've come.

Be sure to leave a comment and tell us how you planned this homeschooling year!

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Enter the giveaway to be an automatic winner of 4 amazing homeschool curriculums! Plus, the top 20 entrants with the highest number of entries will win another curriculum from the MEGA giveaway collection! Hosted by Homeschool and Humor. Deadline for giveaways is SEPTEMBER 30, 2020.

*If you are looking for the 2-in-1 Giveaway Entry form or the Giveaway Button, the giveaway has now passed. However, you can still learn all about the 20 curriculum sponsors and see which homeschool curriculums were instant winners for everyone who entered by click here or by clicking the button below.

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35 thoughts on “How To Start Homeschooling From The Very Beginning {A 20 Lesson Series}”

  1. Pingback: Homeschool Laws By State: What They Are and How To Meet The Requirements » Homeschool and Humor

  2. Pingback: August Home School Round Up {Homeschool Collection} - Homeschool Review Crew

  3. Great resource for this very unusual year! I hope you’re reminding families to de-school before they get started as well!

    1. How sweet, Charissa. I am glad you have found this to be of value to you! It’s completely my pleasure and I’m so happy to do so! Enjoy!

  4. Pingback: Celebrating Christmas While Homeschoolers Travel - Homeschool Review Crew

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