How We Homeschool and Travel

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Welcome to Homeschool and Humor! We are about living the homeschool life with the best kind of laughter. So bring your steaming tall double white chocolate mocha, pull up your chair with you favorite fuzzy socks on, and stay for a while.

This website is focused on real-life homeschool days, the crazy mom life in the chaos, and organizing a little of that crazy into well thought-out structure. On coffee cup #2, we’ll also chat about traveling while homeschooling, homeschooling while traveling, and the days where you are at that hotel home away from home and emerges that random need for a friend.

I will be that friend. Your proverbial road dog. Your homeschool holla. I will guide you in the best ways of traveling with your family, even with toddlers. Because I’ve been there traveling and homeschool simultaneously for a few years now, and I’ve figured out some money-saving tricks along with some organized time-saving ways to do everything there is to do in your every day, and still enjoy that craved Mommy Time with a steaming mug.

Allow me to brighten up your day with structure for your home, ideas for your toddler, homeschool printables and bundles for your homeschool children, and the best traveling tips that will work wonders for you.

Listen, my son, to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching. They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.

The longer we do this, the easier it becomes!
Mt. Rainier in Washington state

Hey girl, hey! I'm Richie – former childcare teacher turned hotel manager turned stay-at-home homeschool mama! Life gets twisty for all of us, right? I have 3 children that love to explore, engage, inquire. and praise the Lord.  

Although we no longer travel like we used to, we still do tons of day trips! And I still have tons of tips to share. We haven't traveled since covid and my ‘divorce' – so we no longer stay at places for a long periods of time, which I am honestly THRILLED about! I never wanted to spend 75% of the year away from my main home, yet I did to travel. Now that that is no longer cluttering up my life, I can focus on my kids at home, homeschooling, and single mamahood! Yes – I'm a single mom now and I am honestly in love with it! (Especially if you knew what my ex is like – talk about a horrible drunk and physically abusive, black eye giving SOB. We'll not get into that though!)

How We Started Homeschooling

My eldest had such a difficult time in public school, even as early as 1st grade. Because of issues with the teacher, on top of developmental and behavioral issues, I longed to find a solution. You can read more about how we started here.

My son just needed the teacher to take a little bit more time to teach him the concepts, more of an individualized approach that public school is popular in NOT doing. Because she wouldn’t or couldn’t, he lagged behind the other students. Every evening when we did homework, either before during or after dinner, I would practically have to teach him the work from the beginning; he had no clue what the work was.

My heart ached every day for him. I was seeing a bright happy little boy shrink further into himself each day thinking he was stupid for not being able to know the work, and worthless for not being valued enough from the teacher to take 5 or 10 minutes of her time to make sure he was on track to succeed. My outgoing little boy became a quiet introvert that year.

My son, keep your father's command and do not forsake your mother's teaching. Bind them always on your heart; fasten them around your neck. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you. For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light, and correction and instruction are the way of life...

I ended up meeting someone and became engaged to him, and he happened to traveled 100% for his job. I was able to pull the kids out (finally) and homeschool them, and quit by day job! 

Year One of homeschooling was also Year One of travel – I had no clue how to do either of those things! ha! But with a lot of trial and error, scheduling and planning, and communication with the kids, I can now proudly and confidently say that I practice what I preach.

I am in no way a know it all, I haven’t gotten EVERYTHING under the sun figured out, but I know the best ways to do homeschooling when we are in our hotel room away from home. It was difficult to find resources on families that travel while homeschooling, such as best practices and cheap shipping shortcuts, so I built my own resources and am glad to share it all with you.

Continuing this story: Not only did I homeschool and travel in year one, I was also pregnant with Scout, my 3rd baby (who is now 5, almost 6).

Norfolk, Virginia

Travel and Homeschool Living

As I mentioned, the first year we homeschooled was the first year we travelled while being pregnant.  I had to quickly call all the Powers That Be into Super Huddle to help this aimless mama out! There were definitely learning curves, and I had to figure out what was best for our learning styles + family styles + teaching styles + homeschool styles + hair styles… But blissfully, I managed to create STRUCTURE in the midst of change.

And change.

And change.

Do you picture a car driving all over the place while the kids study notebooks in the back seat when I say “homeschool while traveling”? Because that's not at all what I mean!

We did not, what some families refer to as, “roadschool.”. In fact, when we went from Point A to Point B we didn't even pick up textbooks. We would do eyes open kinds of learning at God's creation. We also utilized the benefits of year-round homeschooling – therefore we took lots of breaks. It's a perfect homeschool schedule for traveling).

As of now, we still homeschool year round but not because we travel (because we don't travel anymore). But we do year round homeschooling because of its flexibility. You can learn all about how to start homeschooling year round right here in this ebook I wrote!

Although we no longer travel, we still do day trips, as I mentioned. We used to be away from our home for about 75% of the year, staying in different hotel suites or houses for months at a time.

Sometimes the living was spacious; sometimes it was like sardines (but cleaning was easier when it was like that, believe it or not!).

I have faced financial hurdles with traveling, which helped me to learn how to budget everything properly and accordingly. I also learned to look for the best prices & deals for a traveling family for eating, doing stuff, learning, etc.

I have learned so much from those years homeschooling while traveling that I still take with me today.

I've learned that cities have local discount packages, if you know where to look, and that shipping boxes of textbooks really can be affordable if you know the best shipping rates & methods, which I now do! (And learned that hard way since, again, nothing in my Google searches ever helped me.)

Kids truly do appreciate schedules and routines, so imagine my surprise when the kiddos ran to check “what's next” every day from my created planners, schedules, and meal plans that I taped on the hotel wall!

Remedies were discovered for creating family meals, 2-3 times a day, in a small space. We've had large kitchens, and we've had kitchenettes. And we've had only microwave with those tiny hotel fridgettes. Creativity doesn't even begin to describe it…!

I had a decent organization system for all the toys and games and just general basic crap that kids accumulate from everywhere and no where.  Even my kids had developed into these cute little creative ninjas when it came to storing and organizing our many homeschool books, read alouds, and chapter books.

These are just a few of the examples we have learned over the years from our traveling, homeschool lifestyle!

Boston Harbor
Boston Harbor in Boston, Massachusetts

It was 5 interesting traveling while homeschool years, some of those years gave me my biggest life lessons. Those years also served as a wonderful opportunity for my children to see so many different local cultures. We’d visited so many cool places, like Jamestown, Virginia! (Hellooo Early Settlers Unit Study!) And with these unique opportunities I’d been able to document and incorporate our journey into our everyday homeschool life. 

This is how I can help you! Even if you don’t travel while you homeschool, like us nowadays, I know without a doubt you will find inspiration & guidance from this site.

You CAN teach engaging learning activities with multiple age groups anywhere you’re at in the world!

You WILL be confident in being the *best* mom boss in your home!

You WILL have structure in your homeschool day!

You CAN step away and take a mommy break without all the guilt and with all the grace!

You WILL have eager and excited children looking forward to their little days!

You WILL save money on travel expenses and sightseeing experiences!

You WILL be inspired and confident about teaching, whether you travel or not!

kids halloween, virginia
New Castle, New Hampshire

Homeschool Resources that We Love

You might even like to read our (1) Curriculum Picks and (2) Resources Picks from one of the years, although they pretty much stay the same year in and year out with just a few minor differences each year. The last one I did was in 2022.

Traits of Homeschool & Humor

  • Schedules and Routines
  • Toddlers Activities
  • Traveling within the USA (domestic only)
  • Family Traveling Tips
  • Minimizing
  • Mom Time, Mom Life
  • Mom & Dad Only Time / Keeping Relationships Strong
  • Daily Outdoors
  • Being in the moment
  • Flexibility
  • Budget-friendly Life
  • Praying. And then praying some more.
  • Nature Walks
  • Weekly Library Visits
  • Unit Studies
  • Lap books
  • Notebooking
  • Homeschooling Resources from fellow Homeschool Moms
  • Meal Planning and Prepping
  • Hands-On Activities
  • Curriculum Planning & Scheduling
  • Creating Printables
  • Creating Curriculum – Toddler, PreK, K, Elementary-Aged (for the time being. Next year will include this list plus Middle School-Aged!)
  • Simplifying Life
  • Laughing for no reason other than it feels good
  • Uplifting Each Other
  • Positivity
  • Valuing the Moments

You will find many resources and more coming all the time for homeschooling, parenting, mom life, travel, meal planning, inspiration, and printables to help make your day easier. It’s so nice to meet you, and I look forward to a long and valuable friendship!

Richie and mom, fun times

I would absolutely love to hear from you!


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