
What’s My Child’s Learning Style? Take the Quiz!

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When discovering your child’s learning style, know that there are three common styles your child will predominantly fall into. Although he or she will have a mix of all, usually there is one that speaks louder than the others. Take the learning style quiz below to see which of the three styles your child learns.

Using the VAK learning system, the three learning styles are:

  1. Visual learning style
  2. Auditory learning style
  3. Kinesthetic learning style
    = VAK

Take the Quiz!

In the learning style quiz below, for each question, select only one of the three options presented. It may be difficult to narrow it down or to choose only one, but do the best you can. Think about what your child is likely to do, and even go ask them if you’re not sure! Heck, have your kiddo take the learning style quiz instead of you taking it for them. I did this with my own son and discovered he’s exactly what I thought he was – a visual learner!

Why is it important to know your child’s learning style?

It’s important to know how your child learns best because you will know how to present the lessons to him or her in the best way that enables your child to understand, learn, and comprehend. Children learn new concepts in different ways, and you can teach accordingly to how they learn best.

You can also get curriculum that’s created just for certain learning styles, too. Many types of curriculum are great for one or two learning styles. And you can find curriculum that even addresses all learning styles!

To learn more about learning styles and to see which homeschool curriculum and resources best fit a certain learning style, discover all about your learning styles here. I laid out learning styles and how to teach your kiddo in the way they learn as well as naming off a handful of resources and curriculums for each learning style!

Now that you know what your child’s learning style is, grab this free Learning Styles Work Sheet for lesson planning ideas!


As part of the How To Start Homeschooling 20-post lesson series, you go see all lessons in the series here.

Which learning style does your child have? Knowing your kid's learning style enables you to customize their homeschool education so that they learn in the best way. Plus, you'll know exactly which curriculums and resources to get too! Find out your child's learning style by taking this learning style quiz! #learningstyles #learningstylesquiz #homeschool

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  2. Pingback: How To Start Homeschooling From The Very Beginning {A 20 Lesson Series} » Homeschool and Humor

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