Carole P. Roman assorted books series

Popular Children’s Books Your Child Will Read Again and Again {Review}

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Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Do you love shiny, attention-grabbing children's book with beautiful illustrations? You will see all of these details and much more in Carole P. Roman's assorted series of books! Beautifully written, she includes humor as well as facts in her various series. We have enjoyed reading her books that the kids reach for these books when it's time for their daily independent reading!

About Carole P. Roman's Assorted Series

Carole P. Roman is an award-winning children's author as well as a former social studies teacher. It is with her love of learning history and social studies, along with wanting to share these stories in a fascinating way to her children and grandchildren, that catapulted her to create her many book series!

Roman includes multiple books in each of her series, and those series include:

Cultural Series: If You Were Me and Lived in….

World History Series AND American History: If You Were Me and Lived in…

Bedtime Dream Collection Series:

Oh Susannah independent reader series PLUS coloring book:

Captain No Beard series:

Although I show you just a few examples here within each series, there are many more books in all of the series that you can check out here:

How We Use Carole P. Roman's Children's Books

The books we received in exchange of our honest review:

  1. Oh Susannah Color With Me
  2. Oh Susannah It's In The Bag
  3. Oh Susannah Things That Go Bump
  4. If You Were Me and Lived in…the Middles Ages

We used the history book If You Were Me and Lived in…the Middles Ages as part of our history curriculum since we are learning about the middle ages this year. I ended up using the book as a Read Aloud, which we read in two nights! This is pretty astounding since the book is not a short read; it has nearly a hundred pages, includes a glossary of terms from the middle ages in the book, and includes summaries of famous people from that time period.

The kids liked the book a lot because the author writes it in the second person. She says “you” throughout the book, so the kids can relate well to what she is explaining and describing in the book, such as:

“You knew the church was a major part of your life. You were taught to pray many times throughout the day. Your father said the church was more powerful than the king.” page 70

“You hated when they did that [blood-letting] to you [when you got sick] because it left you weak for months. You much preferred to let Old Edith, the midwife give you herbs instead. She delivered all the babies, and you thought she knew more than any old doctor.” page 60

“You sat near your parents and closer to the salt, indicating you were more important than other people in the household.” page 26

If You Were Me and Lived in… the Middle Ages

We also received two books in the Oh Susannah series, along with the coloring book that goes with it. My kids were often found snuggled up on the couch reading Oh Susannah's independent readers. With the bright cover art and beautiful illustrations done by Mateya Arkova, these books were easy to love.

Fun Fact: Carole P. Roman is an NIEA Finalist (National Indie Excellence Awards) with her Oh Susannah books!

The coloring book that goes hand in hand with the Oh Susannah books is called Oh Susannah Color With Me. Again, the illustrations are by Mateya Arkova. The lines in the coloring book are not your normal thick black lines; instead, they are wispy lines of art! Although my kids colored in crayons, I could totally see how beautiful these pictures would become if colored by watercolor paint!

Another Fun Fact: The coloring book won FIVE STARS indicating it as a Readers' Favorite!

Oh Susannah Color With Me

Popular Children's Books Your Child Will Read Again and Again {Review}

We read four of the many books available in Carole P. Roman's assorted book series, but other families used various books (whether it be history books, Oh Susannah readers, coloring books, and so on) so be sure to visit the Homeschool Review Crew blog to read more views by clicking on the banner!

Carole P. Roman's Histroy, Geography, Bedtime & Captain No Beard series {Carole P. Roman Reviews}
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