The Colonial Era: Northern Colonies Facts (New England Colonies Fun Facts)

Study The Colonial Era: Northern Colonies Facts

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In our homeschool, we've dedicated a significant amount of time to the fascinating Colonial Era, perhaps even more than necessary. However, our exploration of this era goes beyond mere northern colonies facts; it aims to provide the profound understanding needed to comprehend the catalysts behind the American Revolution! I really want my kids to understand *why* things happened the way they did. And I don't want to just teach them one perspective or one man's story. I want to read all about it. And I want to transition into the American Revolution smoothly, and that'll happen because we usually go about history as a storytelling opportunity.

I like to take what I learn and apply it to my homeschool or make resources with that learned knowledge myself, so for that reason, I'd like to share some intriguing facts about the northern colonies with you, particularly the New England colonies. These facts not only enrich our homeschool journey but can also enhance yours! Feel free to use what you learn here and apply it to your own homeschool, especially the free printable below.

Studying about the colonies during the Colonial Era in your homeschool history lessons? Discover some fun, interesting northern colonies facts from the American Colonial Era here! Learn the history, people, and geography of New England fun facts and how it shaped us to today! Perfect to add into your history homeschool curriculums!
13 colonies map New England, middle, southern

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Quick Northern Colonies Facts As A Whole

If you're teaching about the colonies in your homeschool, you'll love this post then!

The New England colonies were the northernmost of the colonies: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. The other nine colonies were New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware (the Middle colonies) and Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia (the Southern colonies).

Here are the fun facts about the northern colonies as a whole, and then we'll jump into fun facts about each colony:

  • The northern colonies were also known as the New England colonies.
  • Founded by English Puritans who had a strong religious belief in predestination.
  • Located in present-day Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Hampshire.
  • Mostly agrarian, meaning that their economy was based on farming.
  • Had a very short growing season due to the harsh winters.
  • Not as wealthy as the southern colonies.
  • Colonial government was the Massachusetts Bay Company.
  • Founded in the 1600s.
  • Originally part of the Virginia Colony.
  • First to break away from British rule during the American Revolution.

Northern Colonies Economy & Trade

The northern colonies' economy was based on farming, fishing, and timber. They also traded with the southern colonies for tobacco and other goods. The northern colonies were not as wealthy as the southern colonies because of the shorter growing season and the harsher winters.

Northern Colonies Religion

The northern colonies were founded by English Puritans who had a strong religious belief in predestination. The northern colonies were mostly Puritan, but there was a small population of Catholics and Jews. Religious freedom was not tolerated in the northern colonies.

Northern Colonies Education

The northern colonies had a strong belief in education. Harvard University, the first university in the United States, was founded in Massachusetts in 1636.

Northern Colonies Government

The northern colonies were governed by the Massachusetts Bay Company. The northern colonies were the first to break away from British rule during the American Revolution.

Northern Colonies Climate

The northern colonies had a very short growing season due to the harsh winters. The northern colonies were not as wealthy as the southern colonies because of the shorter growing season and the harsher winters.

Northern Colonies vs Southern Colonies

If you're wondering what makes these colonies different, and not counting the middle colonies, here are the differences:

  • The northern colonies and the southern colonies had different economies. The northern colonies' economy was based on farming, fishing, and timber.
  • The southern colonies' economy was based on tobacco, rice, and indigo. The northern colonies were not as wealthy as the southern colonies because of the shorter growing season and the harsher winters.
  • The northern colonies had a strong belief in education. The southern colonies did not have the same belief in education.
  • The northern colonies were governed by the Massachusetts Bay Company. The southern colonies were governed by the Virginia Company.
  • The northern colonies were the first to break away from British rule during the American Revolution. The southern colonies did not break away from British rule until after the American Revolution.

Now let's take a look at the New England colonies fun facts for each one!

Northern Colonies Facts

  1. Connecticut
  2. Rhode Island
  3. Massachusetts-
  4. New Hampshire
  5. Maine

New England Colony Facts – Individual Colony Facts

There are a number of fun facts about the New England colonies back in the Colonial Era. And each northern colony has fun facts of itself, not just as a whole.

Connecticut Fun Facts

1. The Connecticut Colony was founded in 1636 by Thomas Hooker.

2. The Connecticut Colony was originally part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

3. The Connecticut Colony was located on the Connecticut River.

4. The capital of the Connecticut Colony was Hartford.

5. The economy of the Connecticut Colony was based on farming and fishing.

6. The Connecticut Colony was governed by the Connecticut River Compact.

7. The Connecticut Colony was one of the original 13 colonies.

8. The Connecticut Colony was known as the “Land of Steady Habits.”

9. The official nickname of the Connecticut Colony is the “Constitution State.”

10. The Connecticut Colony is the fifth smallest state in the United States.

Rhode Island Fun Facts

1. The Rhode Island Colony was founded in 1636 by Roger Williams.

2. The Rhode Island Colony was originally part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

3. The Rhode Island Colony was located on the Rhode Island Sound.

4. The capital of the Rhode Island Colony was Providence.

5. The economy of the Rhode Island Colony was based on fishing, whaling, and farming.

6. The Rhode Island Colony was governed by the Royal Charter of 1663.

7. The Rhode Island Colony was one of the original 13 colonies.

8. The Rhode Island Colony was the first colony to declare independence from Britain.

9. The official nickname of the Rhode Island Colony is the “Ocean State.”

10. The Rhode Island Colony is the smallest state in the United States.

11. They were the first to grant religious freedom and have no church.

Massachusetts Fun Facts

1. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded in 1630 by John Winthrop.

2. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was originally part of the Virginia Colony.

3. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was located on the Massachusetts Bay.

4. The capital of the Massachusetts Bay Colony was Boston.

5. The economy of the Massachusetts Bay Colony was based on fishing, agriculture, and trade.

6. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was governed by the Massachusetts Bay Company.

7. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was one of the original 13 colonies.

8. The official nickname of the Massachusetts Bay Colony is the “Bay State.”

9. The Massachusetts Bay Colony is the seventh smallest state in the United States.

10. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was the site of the first Thanksgiving in 1621.

11. Salem witch trials originated in Massachusetts.

New Hampshire Fun Facts

1. The New Hampshire Colony was founded in 1638 by John Wheelwright.

2. The New Hampshire Colony was originally part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

3. The New Hampshire Colony was located on the Piscataqua River.

4. The capital of the New Hampshire Colony was Portsmouth.

5. The economy of the New Hampshire Colony was based on fishing, agriculture, and timber.

6. The New Hampshire Colony was governed by the royal charter of 1679.

7. The New Hampshire Colony was one of the original 13 colonies.

8. The official nickname of the New Hampshire Colony is the “Granite State.”

9. The New Hampshire Colony is the ninth smallest state in the United States.

10. The New Hampshire Colony was the first state to ratify the Articles of Confederation.

Maine Fun Facts

1. The Maine Colony was founded in 1622 by the Plymouth Company.

2. The Maine Colony was originally part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

3. The Maine Colony was located on the Kennebec River.

4. The capital of the Maine Colony was Portland.

5. The economy of the Maine Colony was based on fishing, agriculture, and lumber.

6. The Maine Colony was governed by the royal charter of 1691.

7. The Maine Colony was one of the original 13 colonies.

8. The official nickname of the Maine Colony is the “Pine Tree State.”

9. The Maine Colony is the twelfth smallest state in the United States.

10. The Maine Colony is the northernmost state in the contiguous United States.

New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania were not northern colonies during the Colonial Era.

The northern colonies facts may be different from the southern colonies facts, but both were important to the development of our nation. The northern colonies were largely Puritan and Pilgrim in faith, while the southern colonies had a more diverse population that included Anglicans, Quakers, Baptists, and a few other denominations. Despite their differences in religion and culture, these two regions worked together to build what we know today as the United States of America.

facts about the new england colonies

Native Americans in the Northern Colonies

The northern colonies were home to the Algonquin, Iroquois, and Delaware Native American tribes. The northern colonies were also home to the Wampanoag tribe, who helped the Pilgrims survive their first winter in Plymouth.

Quick Backstory (Lesson Text)

Feel free to use this as lesson text!

King James of England, with the Church of England, wanted to expand the British Empire and establish more British colonies in the New World. In 1606, the British government, or King James, chartered two companies, the Virginia Company of London and the Virginia Company of Plymouth, to establish colonies in North America, starting with the Plymouth Colony and the Mayflower Compact. This is something you learned before the Colonial Era, back when they explorers came to find the New World with Christopher Columbus.

The northern colonies were originally part of the Virginia Colony, but they later became their own separate entities.

The northern colonies were some of the most populous and prosperous colonies in North America. They were known for their religious tolerance, diverse population, and thriving economy. The northern colonies were also some of the most influential colonies in the development of the United States.

Important people for the Northern Colonies

  • John Mason was the founder of the New Hampshire Colony.
  • John Wheelwright was the founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • William Bradford was the governor of the Plymouth Colony.
  • Anne Hutchinson was a religious leader in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • Roger Williams was a religious leader in the Rhode Island Colony.
  • John Winthrop was the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • Benjamin Franklin was a printer, inventor, and statesman from the Pennsylvania Colony.
  • George Washington was the first president of the United States and was from the Virginia Colony.
  • Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence and was from the Virginia Colony.
  • James Madison was the fourth president of the United States and was from the Virginia Colony.

These are some of the most important people from the northern colonies during the Colonial Era. Many of them were influential in the fight for American independence, and their stories are important to know.

The Colonial Era: Northern Colonies Facts (New England Colonies Fun Facts)

The Northern Colonies were established as a result of the English Civil War and the Revolution. Colonial America is an interesting part of American history that our kids should learn about because it serves as a road map of America, starting with the original colonies and then going through the American colonies after they won the American Revolution. You'll find a ton of facts about the New England colonies here in this post, but know that there are tons more!

One of our favorite ways to learn about history is by using Home School in the Woods. They offer historical projects, timelines and other hands-on activities that help bring the past to life. We love how in-depth their projects are and how they focus on details that make history come alive. Their materials really engage our family in learning about the past and making it a part of our present day lives! We highly recommend Home School in the Woods for anyone interested in making history come alive for their students. Not only do they provide a great learning experience, but also make it fun and interactive!

Don't forget to download the fun facts sheet!

Studying about the colonies during the Colonial Era in your homeschool history lessons? Discover some fun, interesting northern colonies facts from the American Colonial Era here! Learn the history, people, and geography of New England fun facts and how it shaped us to today! Perfect to add into your history homeschool curriculums!
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