How Much Is Cub Scouts?

Are You Wondering How Much Is Cub Scouts? A Cub Scouts Beginner Guide

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Let's not kid ourselves. Being a homeschool mom – or even a homeschool kid – can get a little lonely. Sure, I have my two-legged sidekicks and confidants, but there are times when I just need to talk to another mom. And when my kids need other kids in their lives.

Enter Cub Scouts.

Wondering how much it costs to join Cub Scouts or what the benefits are? This guide will answer all your questions and more!

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I became especially interested in Cub Scouts after talking with Daniel about joining an extracurricular activity (and to get off the screen). He didn't want to join baseball again, though karate sparked an interest for him. And then I thought, why not Boy Scouts? In particular, Cub Scouts for him and Scout and Zoey.

Cub Scouts is a great program that provides boys and girls K-5 with opportunities to develop character, learn about the world around them, and have fun. They do all of this while making new friends and learning how to be a part of a team.

The best part? If you are wondering how much is Cub Scouts, it's quite affordable! And this coming from a single homeschool mom who Dad decided to bail on for child support! (Yes, girl.)

What is Cub Scouts?

Cub Scouts, a program offered by the Boy Scouts of America, is a national organization with a year-round program for kids in first grade through 5th grades. It offers fun and exciting activities that help young people learn new skills along with character development.

It's split into programs, dependent on your child's grade level, with a den leader or adult leader.

Whereas Boy Scouts of America (BSA) can be from ages 10 to 17, Cub Scouts in particular are for the younger ones, Kindergarten through 5th grade (or to ages 9/10).

There are also opportunities for advancement as youth members move through the ranks, and eventually they can earn the coveted rank of Eagle Scout.

In the meantime, here's a little bit about what you can expect and at the same time learn how much is Cub Scouts and what it'll cost you for each child each year.

how much is cub scouts

The Benefits of Being A Cub Scout

When your son joins Cub Scouts, they'll make new friends and learn how to work together as part of a team. And learning how to make friends as well as be a friend is important. Like I said, it can get kinda lonely when you homeschool, staying at home all day every day.

Your son will learn new things and develop skills in Cub Scouts. It offers opportunities to develop character, learn how to be responsible, honest, and trustworthy. These are significant life skills that will help them succeed in life in just so many areas!

In Cub Scouts, boys (and even girls) can explore their interests and hobbies. Maybe they love building things or playing sports? Cub Scouts has a place for them! They can also learn about nature and the world around them through extracurricular activities, giving them a sense of personal achievement.

In Cub Scouts, your son can advance through the ranks and earn the coveted rank of Eagle Scout. What's that? An Eagle Scout is someone who has mastered all of the skills and knowledge required in Cub Scouts as well as demonstrated exemplary leadership qualities. Your little boy can earn rank badges through different levels based upon such decisions to solve problems, among other stipulations.

Quite an accomplishment, if you ask me!

how much is cub scouts

What's even cooler is that he'll have the opportunity to go on camping trips and other fun adventures, like whitewater rafting, hiking, summer camps, and more.

Cub Scouts is a great way to get your son out of the house and active, and it's an affordable activity, too. So if you're wondering how much is Cub Scouts, it's definitely something to consider!

How Much Does Cub Scouts Cost?

If you're thinking of enrolling your son in Cub Scouts, you may be wondering, “how much does Cub Scouts cost?”

Right off the bat, the cost of new scouts joining the Cub Scout program varies from council to council. It is typically quite affordable to be part of the cub scout pack, though. You can expect to pay around $50 per year for registration, plus an additional $15-25 for each rank advancement.

Some councils also charge an annual registration fee, which can range from $15-30.

So how much does Cub Scouts cost in the end? Generally, you can expect to pay around $100 per year for your son to participate, not much in financial challenges by any means.

Again, this varies depending on your council and what advancement opportunities are available.

To breakdown the cost, it would be around $11 per month on average. That's a really affordable price to pay for all the benefits your son receives!

If you're looking for an exciting and affordable program for your son, I encourage you to check out Cub Scouts. It offers boys a chance to learn new things, make friends, and develop important life skills.

Again, be sure to check with your local council's website for more information.

Can You Join As An Adult Member?

Yes you can, but with a joining fee! Check your council for the council program fee and the national annual membership fee (for both you and your kiddo). You'll need to pay for the cost of activities, like scouting activities, too.

You'll have monthly pack meetings to attend, field trips to go on and/or coordinate, special events, day camps, and service projects to participate in, and a lot more opportunities to do things with your child.

Honestly, this could really serve as a wonderful bonding experience you both go on together!

You may also have other outdoor activities and fun activities and activity fees to pay for, depending on what's going on with the local council. You will also need to learn about Scout Law for the cub scouting program.

how much is cub scouts

Adult members can join as part of the pack committee and be of great value to the kiddos, though you may need to check the cost of background checks for your area because I doubt they'll just let any old body walk on board without a check.

You'll also need to see the schedule for den meetings and your own national membership fee. So, again, check your local council.

Guides and Resources for Joining Cub Scouts

First, check your local council's website.

You can find a local Boy Scouts council here where you'll enter your zip code and it'll find the nearest one.

And a Cub Scout council can be found here where, again, you'll enter your zip code to find the closest cub scout council.

You may also want to check out the Scouts BSA website for general purposes.

Next, do a Facebook search for local packs near your area. You may not find one exactly in your hometown, like us, but you should be able to find one pretty nearby. Searching will pull up any additional information they require about joining, the cost, and their calendar of events or schedule for den meetings.

One resource you may fancy is The Boy Scout Handbook, which is a great guidebook for scouts and leaders alike! You can find physical books for you to purchase.

Here's a pretty nifty 1st Edition Boy Scout Guide you can check out – back from 1911!

Another resource is the Cub Scout Leader Book, filled with all the information you need to help lead a successful pack meeting or event. It also has helpful tips on how to develop your son's scouting skills.

The Cub Scout Program Guide is chock full of information on the Cub Scouting program and how to use it to its fullest potential. This is a great guide for both new and experienced leaders!

Finally, don't forget to check out the online training courses offered through Scouts BSA Learn Center. You can find out everything from how to plan a pack meeting, to what the Cub Scout Promise and Law are. These courses are helpful for all leaders, regardless of experience level!

Are You Wondering How Much is Cub Scouts? Learn All About It Here

So there you have it – an overview of how much Cub Scouts costs on average. Be sure to check with your local council for more information on specific prices and advancement opportunities available in your area.

If you're still on the fence about Cub Scouts and whether or not it's a good fit for your son, I encourage you to reach out and talk to someone in your local council or even reach out to your local Cub Scouts Facebook Group!

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