Teach 100 Common Spanish Words For Beginners + Free Flashcards!

Teach 100 Common Spanish Words For Beginners + Free Flashcards!

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Don't just do math and history and writing and all that jazz…teach your kids other cool stuff too, like a foreign language! More specifically, Spanish! But if you're just starting to learn Spanish, you can get to feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the new vocabulary. Here's a list of beginner Spanish words. These are 100 most common Spanish words for beginners, and they'll help you get started on your child's language learning journey!

But first…let's see how you can teach these Spanish words to your kiddos!

Old spanish first reader with the typical sentence "mi mama me ama mi mama me mima"
Old spanish first reader with the typical sentence “mi mama me ama mi mama me mima”

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How to Teach Spanish to Kids

Your kids are never too young to start learning a foreign language, and Spanish is a great choice! Luckily, there are tons of fun and creative ways to teach your kids Spanish. Here are some of our favorites:

Make a game out of it! Turn learning into a fun game by using everyday objects around the house. For example, every time your child sees a fork they have to say the Spanish word for fork, which is “tenedor.” Or, every time they see a book they have to say the Spanish word for book, which is “libro.” You can also make a game out of flashcards.

Label objects around the house. You can write – or better yet, have them write – the Spanish word of that object on sticky notes or flashcards and then tape them to those objects around the house. They'll be able to commit this vocabulary word to memory because heck they'll be seeing it all the time!

Watch kids' movies in Spanish. This is a great way to introduce your child to the language in a fun and engaging way. Plus, they'll pick up some new vocabulary too from listening to the words being spoken! Try watching Pixar's Coco or Disney's Elena of Avalor.

Watch kids' movies with Spanish subtitles. Put on the subtitles to Spanish when watching a movie so they can see what the words are in Spanish when they're being spoken. They'll be able to glance at the subtitles naturally – they won't be able to help it! And, it's just good to have them become familiar with the language and how it's spoken! Isn't this brilliant?

Spanish ABC Flashcards Spanish words for beginners

Listen to music in Spanish. There are tons of great songs for kids in Spanish that are both educational and entertaining! Check out our list of 10 Best Songs for Learning Spanish.

Read books in Spanish. Reading is such a great way to learn any language, and there are plenty of beginner Spanish books out there for kids! A few of our favorites are We're Going on a Bear Hunt in Spanish, The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Spanish, and Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? in Spanish.

Visit a Spanish-speaking country. This is kind of a far-fetched suggestion, BUT…you really can learn the language extremely well, especially if you learn in a country where they speak it. If you have the opportunity to travel to a Spanish-speaking country, take it! This is the best way for your kids to immerse themselves in the language and culture. Plus, they'll get to experience all the amazing things that the country has to offer!

100 Most Common Spanish Words

Here are 100 of the most common Spanish words for you to copy/paste or just use this post to make activities with – or to just quiz theme right off from this page!

Here's a list of Spanish words for beginners:

1. el/la (the)

2. de (of, from)

3. un/una (a, an)

4. no (no)

5. yo (I)

6. tú (you)

7. él/ella (he/she)

8. nosotros/nosotras (we)

9. vosotros/vosotras (you all)

10. ellos/ellas (they)

11. me (me)

12. te (you)

13. le (him, her, you)

14. nos (us)

15. os (you all)

16. les (them)

17. mi (my)

18. tu (your)

19. su (his, her, its, your)

20. nuestro/nuestra (our)

21. vuestro/vuestra (your all)

22. este/esta (this)

23. ese/esa (that)

24. aquel/aquella (that over there)

25. algo (something)

26. nada (nothing)

27. todo (everything)

28. mucho/mucha (much, a lot)

29. poco/poca (little, a few)

30. bastante (quite, enough)

31. demasiado/demasiada (too much)

32. alguno/alguna (some)

33. ninguno/ninguna (none)

34. primeramente (firstly)

35. también (also)

36. además (besides, in addition)

37. así que (so)

38. porque (because)

39. sino (but, rather)

40. por supuesto (of course)

41. claro que sí/claro que no (of course not)

42. naturalmente (naturally)

43. evidentemente (evidently)

44. sin embargo (however, nevertheless)

45. aunque (even though, although)

46. en primer lugar (first of all)

47. en segundo lugar (secondly)

48. finalmente (finally)

49. ante todo (above all)

50. lo más importante es que (the most important thing is that)

51. en resumen (in summary)

52. en conclusión (in conclusion)

53. es decir (that is to say)

54. o sea (or rather, I mean)

55. pero (but)

56. mientras (while)

57. aunque (even though, although)

58. sin embargo (however, nevertheless)

59. sino (but, rather)

60. por el contrario (on the contrary)

61. al contrario de lo que se piensa (contrary to what one might think)

62. por otro lado (on the other hand)

63. tampoco (neither, not either)

64. no obstante (in spite of that, nevertheless)

65. por supuesto (of course)

66. claro que sí/claro que no (of course not)

67. naturalmente (naturally)

68. evidentemente (evidently)

69. en primer lugar (first of all)

70. en segundo lugar (secondly)

71. finalmente (finally)

72. ante todo(above all)

73. lo más importante es que (the most important thing is that)

74. por último pero no por ello menos importante…(last but not least)

75. o sea que (that is to say)

76. es decir (that is to say, in other words)

77. aunque (even though)

78. sin embargo (however, nevertheless)

79. sino (but, rather)

80. por el contrario (on the contrary)

81. al contrario de lo que se piensa (contrary to what one might think)

82. por otro lado (on the other hand)

83. tampoco (neither, not either)

84. no obstante (in spite of that, nevertheless)

86. de hecho (in fact)

87. en efecto (indeed)

88. es más/es más que (it is more/it is more than)

89. incluso (even)

90. por lo tanto (therefore)

91. lógicamente (logically)

92. así pues (thus)

93. en consecuencia (as a result)

94. por eso (that is why, for that reason)

95. de modo que (so that)

96. a fin de que (in order that, so that)

97. hasta tal punto que (to such an extent that)

98. con tal de que (provided that, as long as)

99. por lo demás…(as for the rest…)

100. en cuanto a (as far as…)

Want your kids to learn some basic Spanish words? Start your kids' journey to learning a new language with this essential list of 100 Spanish words. These words are perfect for beginners and will help them get started in their language learning adventure. With this list is are a few ideas to teach your kids these beginner Spanish words through games and movies. Plus, included is a free printable cheat sheet!

Tips To Teach Spanish Words For Beginners

One of our tips to teach beginner Spanish words to children repetition. Repetition can help kids learn words faster, as it allows them to become familiar with the language and practice pronunciation until they get it right. Repetition also helps children remember new Spanish words more easily, since they will hear and say them multiple times in a short period of time.

Have your child repeat each word at least 20 times, and then practice writing them down. By doing this exercise every day, your child will be able to remember Spanish words more quickly. When you feel like they've mastered the basics, you can start introducing new vocabulary words regularly to help them build their language skills even further.

You can also use other techniques such as flashcards or phrase books to help your child learn Spanish words for beginners. Spanish Flashcards are especially useful as they can be taken anywhere and used at any time, making them a great tool for learning on the go. This flashcards below are perfect to introduce beginner Spanish words to early learners. Download them now! Just click on the image and they're yours.

Spanish ABC Flashcards: https://homeschoolandhumor.ck.page/5457c2737a

With phrase books, you can look up new words or phrases that your child may not already know and have them practice reading and saying them out loud. Another helpful tool is language learning software, which can provide an interactive way for your child to learn Spanish.

Consider playing games with the new words or phrases, teaching them a Spanish song or two, or even cooking a dish from a Spanish-speaking country. If your child is naturally motivated to learn, you can also encourage them by setting small goals and rewarding them when they reach each one.

No matter what method you choose, the most important thing is that your child has fun while learning a new language. By making it enjoyable, they'll look forward to their Spanish lessons and will be more likely to retain the words and phrases they've learned. With these helpful tips, your child will be speaking Spanish in no time!

Free Printable: 100 Most Common Spanish Words for Beginners + Spanish Vocabulary Flashcards

Now that you know some fun ways to teach your kids Spanish, here's that FREE printable we promised! Just click here or on the image below to download your PDF of the 100 Most Common Spanish Words.

Happy learning!

P.S. If you're looking for some fun Spanish curriculum for kids, we've got you covered! Just click here to check out our fave one!

Want your kids to learn some basic Spanish words? Start your kids' journey to learning a new language with this essential list of 100 Spanish words. These words are perfect for beginners and will help them get started in their language learning adventure. With this list is are a few ideas to teach your kids these beginner Spanish words through games and movies. Plus, included is a free printable cheat sheet!
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